All Year 6 students are leaders at Our Lady of Lourdes, with twelve students elected to represent the school in various capacities.
Role 1: School Captains for one term (students wear their Captains’ Badge at this time)
Tasks: Representation of the school at Diocesan functions, meeting and greeting dignitaries who visit the school, leading the School Prayer each morning.
Role 2: Sports Captains for one term
Tasks: Looking after the Sports Shed, distribution of sports equipment to the playground, assisting at Carnivals and other sport events.
Role 3: Leading Assembly for one term
Tasks: Organising and presenting the Primary school assembly each week.
Role 4: Leading Positive Behaviour for Learning for one term
Tasks: Raise the flags of Australia each morning, put out the flags relating to the four school rules and introduce the Positive Behaviour focus for the week.
All students involved in the Leadership Team will rotate through these roles and will be expected to display exemplary behaviour and to uphold the values of the school. These roles will provide them with an opportunity to participate in the running of their school and provide a vehicle for them to express their opinions and participate actively in decision-making.