
Religious Education

At Our Lady of Lourdes, Religious Education is taught through the Pedagogy of Encounter, a distinctive approach that emphasises the importance of relationships and collaboration in the learning process. This pedagogy is embedded in the belief that education is a partnership between teachers and students, where each individual is valued and respected. By focusing on the sacred dignity of every learner, the Pedagogy of Encounter fosters an environment where students feel supported and inspired to explore their faith and personal beliefs. It encourages students to actively engage with religious teachings, question and reflect on their own experiences, and appreciate diverse perspectives within the context of their learning.

The Pedagogy of Encounter in our Religious Education program goes beyond traditional teaching methods. It integrates intellectual challenge with personal growth, making learning relevant to students’ lives and sensitive to their diverse backgrounds. This approach aims to develop not just academic skills but also critical thinking, creativity, and communication, preparing students to be thoughtful, compassionate individuals. By creating a space for deep listening, dialogue, and mutual respect, the Pedagogy of Encounter helps students to build meaningful connections with their faith, their peers, and the world around them, guided by the values of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit.